Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Christmas is just 2 days away and the weather is looking good, chilly and snowy but not too chilly, the right amount of chilly that makes winter tolerable. I just went to city place..what a not fun place. I was planning on going to get a bottle of wine at the LC and then realized the line was wayyyyy too long and that getting ANYTHING 2 days before Christmas is THE WORST idea. Christmas aside, I'm hoping new years eve has something good to offer me this year, because I haven't had a memorable new year since I was about 12. If you haven't taken the time to make hot chocolate or have coffee and baileys, or rum and egg nog, I suggest you do so, and listen to andy mckee , it should make you feel good, and if not, listen to this, http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=7wJ-VPqFzy0 , and if this doesn't make your night, THIS will , pay attention to not only the 3 minute solo, but the jumping, it's rock n' roll. Merry Christmas.

1 comment:

Ben Harapiak said...

And in just a few short months it would end in a plane crash. Kinda gives you chills.....